In the landscape of the legal industry, trust, education, connections, and recognition play pivotal roles in establishing a reputable and successful law firm. Velo Law, a multi-state collection law firm headquartered in Grand Rapids, Michigan, recognizes the value that the Receivables Management Association International (RMAI) certification brings to the table. This certification program not only signifies our above-and-beyond compliance policy with consumers and clients alike but also opens doors to a myriad of opportunities that contribute to the growth and success of collection law firms everywhere. 

Velo Law utilizes its RMAI Certification through four key pillars—Trust, Education, Industry Connections, and Effective Recognition. These pillars help Velo better help its clients, establish themselves as a trustworthy organization for consumers, and better position themselves as reputable in the eyes of regulators. 

1) Trust—The Cornerstone of Certification

For law firms, trust is a cornerstone upon which successful client relationships are built. RMAI certification provides an advanced step in earning and solidifying that trust. By subjecting themselves to audits conducted by a third party, certified law firms demonstrate their commitment to compliance and ethical practices. This external validation enhances the credibility of Velo Law, instilling confidence in clients who seek reliable and trustworthy legal representation.

2) Education—Staying Ahead in a Dynamic Industry

Certification from RMAI is not merely a badge of honor but a commitment to continuous learning. To maintain certification, law firms must accrue educational credits, ensuring that their legal professionals stay aware of industry developments, regulatory changes, and evolving best practices. This ongoing education not only keeps Velo Law compliant but also positions its team as informed and capable advisors, well-equipped to navigate the complexities of the legal landscape both within and outside the collections landscape. 

3) Industry Connections—Collaboration for Continued Success

Certified companies share a common ground, having demonstrated their commitment to compliance and ethical standards. This shared foundation creates a network of trust among certified entities, fostering collaboration and business relationships. Companies like Velo Law find value in working with others who share similar policies for handling crucial components of the legal process. This collaborative approach not only enriches the professional network but also opens avenues for more fruitful partnerships that span across our industry and into other avenues of collection law. 

4) Recognition—A Seat at the Regulatory Table

RMAI’s certification program is not just a stamp of approval within the industry; it has garnered recognition from federal regulators and state legislators alike. Being part of the certified group provides law firms, including Velo Law, with recognition from regulators and legislators with an understanding that certification requires third-party audits. This recognition enhances the influence of certified firms and contributes to shaping the regulatory landscape, creating an environment conducive to ethical and responsible legal practices. 

A Place to Grow

Trust, education, connections, and recognition are not just abstract concepts but tangible assets that contribute to the success and sustainability of a law firm. By investing in and upholding RMAI certification, Velo Law positions itself as a trustworthy, informed, and connected player in the legal arena, thereby ensuring its continued growth and positive impact within the industry. In addition, RMAI certification provides Velo Law with an avenue to grow professionally, ensuring deeper long-term relationships with reputable clients and a better understanding of the regulations that impact the collections industry. 

About Velo Law Office

Headquartered in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Velo Law Office assists financial institutions looking to collect overdue debts from both legal and standard collection strategies. By focusing on the bottom line, we combine innovative collection techniques and aggressive litigation with practical attention to financial concerns and return on investment. Our collection matters are supervised by experienced attorneys and utilize every resource to provide the highest level of recovery.